How can you return an item?
If you receive a product that is damaged in shipping, defective or not the product you ordered, please return it to us and we’ll arrange for a replacement or refund, subject to the following terms and conditions:
- Order must be checked in front of the delivery person (Inside Dhaka). We won’t accept the product after it has been delivered.
- If you find any defect and you think you need to return the product, return it to the delivery man as well as contact our Customer Service Team immediately with your order number, details, and an image of the faulty items received. (Inside Dhaka).
- If the product is damaged it must be informed immediately to our Customer Service Team along with an image of the faulty items upon receiving and returned within 2 days from the day the product has been received. (Outside Dhaka)
- Item must be in its original purchase condition, packaging must be unopened, unused, unmarked, and not defaced in any manner. However, there can be an exception (if the product is damaged in shipping or has a manufacturing defect).
- The used outfit will not be considered for exchange or refund.
- If the customer chooses or places an order by themselves and wants to return/change the product (except damaged products) the request will not be accepted.
- The shipping cost associated with the return of the product will not be covered by Festivibe Fashion (except the product is damaged in shipping or has a manufacturing defect).
- Original Invoice must be returned along with the product.
- Items purchased as part of a set or a multi-item pack must be returned as a whole set.
This return policy does not apply to items, which have been stated as non-exchangeable or non-returnable.
Verification: Once we receive your returned product, the product will be forwarded to the Product Development and Inspection Department. It will take 1-2 business days to verify the issue and after verification, if it is found that the claim is valid, then the product will be exchanged or money will be refunded.
If the claim is not valid then Festivibe Fashion will not be liable to exchange or refund.
Cash On Delivery: If you had paid for your product by Cash On Delivery, after verification of your claim, we will arrange a refund through bKash or issue Festivibe Fashion store credit.
bKash: If you had paid for your product by bKash, you will get a refund to your bKash.
Online Payment: If you paid by Credit/Debit Card, Internet Banking, or Mobile Payment, we will issue a refund to the same payment method your originally used. Please note that it will be processed to your bank/card and will take 7-10 days to complete.